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I am Anne, a Dutch international business student with a passion for writing, creating and helping others. 

I am happy you found my portfolio! I cannot wait to show you my (marketing) work to date. Most is focussed on content writing / social media, but I would love to develop my SEO, branding, design, website optimization and data analytics skills.

However, before I send you over to my work, why do I not introduce myself a bit better first?

I shortly explained where my passion lies, but where did that passion come from? It did not fall from the sky, but it came from my hair falling out.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with the hair condition Alopecia, leaving me bald after 6 months. I wanted to help others who go through the same situation, so I started AlopecianGirlboss. From that moment on, I fell in love with writing and creating.

What made it even more special, is that I was also able to help others.

Hi! Nice to meet you

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AlopecianGirlboss is my personal blog (website + Instagram) where I help others with hair loss. Currently, my Instagram consists out of 7600+ followers.

Sanders Group

I started at Sanders Group, a business in magnetic solutions, as an intern researching the organization as well as diving into their marketing. Now, I work there as a marketing employee and I create LinkedIn content.


Alopecia Vereniging

I am a social media volunteer for the Alopecia Verenging. This is an organisation where those living in the Netherlands with alopecia can connect with each other. 

Stichting ANDERS

I am a social media volunteer for Stichting ANDERS (Eindhoven). This is an organization that connects businesses to urgent questions of help from those living in Eindhoven. These businesses gift a part of their products, services or skills to solve the urgent question of help.

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Municipality of 's Hertogenbosch

The municipality of 's Hertogenbosch is my client company for my assignment at Avans Hogeschool. They asked us to create a marketing plan and marketing campaign.

Avans Hogeschool

My study programme International Business was looking for students to create Instagram content. I applied and was accepted. After the agreed first semester in 2020, they asked me to stay. The content is aimed at potential students, as well as current students.

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